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My Favorite Virginia Wines of 2020

One positive thing that I observed in reading posts and talking with friends in 2020 is the time we spent rediscovering ourselves, trying new things, and enjoying the simple parts of life. Before it seemed so much of our lives had become about getting the perfect photo or the perfect vacation that we were often let down when every day wasn't amazing.

One of my 'simple pleasures' was not only being able to get back to wineries, but trying more wine outside of wineries through virtual tastings and my own attempts at comparative tastings.

I know I go to a lot more Virginia wineries than most people and it can be overwhelming to figure out what to try when there is so much variation even among varietals/types of wine. So I thought I'd share my favorite wines of 2020 as a way to jumpstart your discovery of Virginia wine in 2021! You'll see there's quite a variety here, with a good number of wines that are fruity without being overly sweet.


Early Mountain 2019 Pinot Gris- I liked everything I tried at Early Mountain in October, but the Pinot Gris stood out because I usually don't like Pinot Grigio or Pinot Gris. However, what's so great about Virginia wineries is you can normally find one of every varietal that you like! This Pinot Gris was crisp without being dry and a hint of fruit without being too prominent, and perfect with oysters.

50 West 2018 Petit Manseng - When I drink white wine, I like to taste distinct flavors. I'm normally not a big Petit Manseng (or Petit Verdot) person, but when I tried the 2018 Petit Manseng in February, it tasted like I was drinking green apples with a creaminess that I normally don't find in this varietal that I really liked. I tried the 2019 in the fall and while still good the apple flavor was a little more on the red side and sweeter than the 2018.


2018 Blenheim Vineyards - This was a Wegman's find that I tried over the holidays, and now this winery is definitely on my list to visit! If you like a rosé that's not as dry and a good balance of citrus and fruit flavors, you will definitely like the strong strawberry and slight lime notes from this merlot rosé.

Glass House Brosé - I visited Glass House Winery in August and in October, and both times their 'Brosé' rosé was my favorite. This was the first winery where I tried wine made from Barbera grapes, and that is the basis for this wine that tastes like you're drinking strawberries without being too sweet.


Delaplane Cellars 2019 Duet- While this winery isn't mentioned as much as others in the Delaplane area, I am always impressed with the wine whenever I visit and this fall was no exception. The server was fantastic in helping me find a wine I liked, and you would not say this red blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot with nice peppery notes was a 2019 based on how smooth it was.

Doukenie Winery Dionysus - This is another winery that I haven't visited but tried their wine via a virtual tasting. This merlot was aged in French oak barrels for 30 months, and the result is a very smooth wine with a woody, smoky smell and a taste with strong fruit notes and a nuttiness that comes out more with cured meats.

Honorable Mentions

Morais Vineyards Merlot - If you're a 'starter red' person like me that is learning to like red wine by trying more of it, this is a great wine for you. While the description says fruit forward, the smokiness actually stood out more and reminded me of a cab franc while being light on the tannins.

Jolene Family Winery Vasara - I know a lot of friends like sweeter wine, and while that's not my thing this peach wine stood out because it tasted very natural - sweet without being syrupy and perfect for a hot summer day. I'm sure it would taste great in a dessert too!

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